Guess which ice cream belongs to who?

Green Tea and Cookies & Cream

This is the first blog entry and I guess it would be easy to just talk about food and music, two interest in my life that I talk about the most. Well this first entry shall be on my favourite ice-cream, Haato. The ice-cream is almost perfect... not all the flavours are fantastico... but at least they sell one of the best "Green tea" ice-cream ever! This thought is shared by couple of new friends. Our first outing was great and I had a great time fellowshipping. More to come my fellow "Counter Terrorist"! Kudos to Lanky, Care Bear, Smily and Pinky! (nicknames should not revel your gender and age...remember that!)

Personally I feel that ice-cream at Island Creamery is not as good as Haato, but IC have one of my favourite flavours, Pulo Hitam (Don't know how to spell... haha!) Hopefully there will be more food posts to come, if I remember to take pictures of it before I finish it up. I always wack the food and realised I had not taken any pictures at all. Dope!

There are Haatos ice-cream located at a few places. Those that I know of includes Serangoon Garden Central (Near Cafe Cartel), Wheelock Place and Liang Court. So if you have not tried it out at all, do so and let me know how you feel about it.


rach said...

the one at wheelock is no more