Yesterday, EJ and I embarked on a very new route and distance yesterday and I tell you.... it was amazing the pace we ran! I cannot believe we did the whole 10km in an hour, considering the fact that we don't train much (or rather I don't train much, Buddy EJ did more training than me till now). I really feel we did very well, though the knees and calves were hurting quite badly after the run. 

Well, my thoughts for the run this time is slightly different from the previous runs. We were having a ok time, still talking, joking and crapping along for about 7km of the way. We still had the energy to "siam" people and squeeze through crowds. However, by the time we hit 8km, man... it was the battle against mind and self. As EJ was in front of me, I just kept telling myself to follow his pace and move forward... Just keep on going. Don't ever lose sight of him. 

I really began to understand the importance of partnership in everything we do. By our own, we could do all we set our mind to do, giving 100% of our effort and time. However, with partnership, we can do far more greater things! Now instead of 100% it is 200%! How to beat this form of partnership? Partnerships allow us to spur one another on, encourage and protect. Even through the run, I believe we learn to protect one another! By watching out for traffic, warning one another of incoming cars, or dangerous routes. 

Don't believe it, try embarking on a partnership with a friend, try doing an activity together. It can be learning how to cook, gaming together, learning photography. Let me know your thoughts and outcome from such activities. 

For now, let me nurse my knee back to health first. Later got another run, but shorter one. haha! Gambatte!!!


Keith Woo said...


Shem said...

AH!!! STALKER!!!! Somebody SAVE mE!